Statement of the International Labour Organization (ILO) relating to the minimum wage in the Bangladesh Ready Made Garment (RMG) sector
16 November 2023
ILO calls for all parties to continue to engage in constructive dialogue to reach a consensus beneficial to workers and industry alike.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) underscores the necessity of conducting the minimum wage determination process for the RMG sector in Bangladesh with transparency, fairness and a foundation in evidence.
Demonstrations and instances of violence concerning wage levels in the sector give rise to concern and ILO calls for calm and restraint to avoid any further loss of life and damage to livelihoods.
We strongly encourage all parties involved to engage in constructive dialogue and negotiations with the objective of reaching a consensus on a minimum wage that not only assures workers of a decent standard of living but also considers the sustainability of businesses within the RMG sector.
We acknowledge the work of the minimum wage board and encourage the parties to continue to discuss in good faith and to take into account the concerns of workers and employers alike as part of the confirmation process of the minimum wage.
Moving forward, it is imperative for Bangladesh to establish a national wage policy and an evidence-based system for wage determination. Preliminary discussions in this regard are ongoing, and we welcome the establishment by the Government of a committee to explore this avenue.