23 November 2023 Violence costs us all. Join our global movement with the #NoExcuse campaign calling for urgent investments to prevent #VAWG
Do you know we currently have more than 1550 UN Staff working in Cox’s Bazar both for the host communities and the refugee response? And nowhere was it so prominent than the colorful launch of the 16 days of Activism in Cox-Bazar on the 23 Nov 2023.
The event took place at the Cultural Center in Cox Bazar. It was attended by more than 300 activists from different groups of people and organizations. With speeches from the Heads of Sub-Offices, INGO’s Women’s Rights Organizations, and Businesses in Cox-Bazar; dance skits and pot-theatres, it demonstrated the vigorous preparation and planning efforts by the Joint Planning Committee comprised of UN Agencies, INGO’s and NGOS.
The Orange color dominated on the posters, Tom – Toms; T/shirts, Scarfs; the Mural art and painting carrying gender advocacy messages, amplifying the global UNiTe – Invest to Prevent violence against women, and girls. Unique to the launch was the showcase of creativity, talents, passion, and skills that women and men invested in painting and designing the advocacy messages on the posters, mural art, and painting. Music of different genres warmly welcomed all guests while the fair showcased the arts and crafts designed by women in the Rohingya Refugee camps and the Host Communities. It also attracted many viewers and buyers on the day and thereafter.
It was a true testimony of our staff’s and project participants’ deep commitment to prevent violence against women, across all walks of life. Together with such enthusiasm and passion, we can develop a safer, more empowered society for all our beneficiaries.
We salute all our Cox’s Bazar staff for their hard work despite the challenges they face every day.