Draft: Localization of NAP through LAPA

Local Government Division (LGD) has been implementing ‘Local Government Initiative on Climate Change (LoGIC) Project in 29 Upazilas in the 9 most Climate vulnerable Districts of Bangladesh. LoGIC is supported by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Sweden and Denmark Governments.
The project aims to mainstream climate change into local level development planning and budgeting, establish a local level climate finance mechanism, and strengthen a locally led approach to address climate change adaptation needs.
Thus, the project is playing a vital role in unlocking the potential of the frontline actors in building resilience to climate change through context-specific solutions incorporating the institutional arrangements and coordinated national strategies for mid and long-term actions against adverse impact of climate change.
In this regard, the LoGIC project has taken an initiative to localize the National Adaptation Plan (NAP), a plan that has identified national level adaptation needs; develop and implement strategies to address the adaptation needs and actions to protect vulnerable communities at local level, though upazila parishad plan to combat climate change. While National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is a national policy document, Local Adaptation Plan of Action (LAPA) is local level implementation document that guides local governments to implement NPA advised intervention strategies at local level.