Bangladesh: Cluster Progress of Activities 2023-2024
04 July 2024

Child Protection Cluster
1. Accomplishment in 2023
- Conducted training sessions for Child Protection (CP) cluster and Working Group (WG) members on utilizing 5W response monitoring tracking tools.
- For better preparedness and response and to avoid duplication to the flash floods in Chattogram district, the national cluster re-activated the Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) WG.
- Jointly established CP-GBV WG in Bandarban in collaboration with GBV cluster.
- Finalized the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the National Child Protection cluster.
- CP cluster organized a national-level orientation focusing on CPiE, GBViE, Child Safeguarding, and PSEA on the 18th June 2023.
- Held CP-GBV working group meetings and orientations on CPiE and GBViE across in Jamalpur, Kurigram, Patuakhali, and Gaibandha, in collaboration with the GBV cluster.
- Conducted basic virtual orientation before Mocha and during CHT flash flood for the front-line workers- child Rights Facilitators and social workers on CPiE and GBViE, emergency preparedness and response.
- Successfully completed the survey phase of Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) within the CP cluster, achieving an impressive response rate of 83% with performance statues- 12 rated as good and 7 as satisfactory across the core functions.
2. Plans for 2024
- Expand the CPiE and CP-GBV-GiHA working groups in disaster-prone districts to strengthen the local coordination and capacity of local stakeholders including govt, non-govt ngos, volunteers, humanitarian actors etc.
- Conduct comprehensive mapping of all CP actors, interventions, and emergency responses in cyclone and flood-prone districts, emphasizing CP service intervention mapping.
- Provide CPiE and GBViE orientation sessions for members of CPiE/CP-GBV working groups at the district level.
- Conduct orientation sessions to familiarize stakeholders with partners minimum standards.
- Actively promote the mainstreaming of CP and GBV across various sectors.
- Strengthen and utilize the JIAF framework for the analysis of People in Need (PiN) to enhance better targeting.
- Ensure familiarity with the common HCTT 5W matrix for capturing CP responses accurately.
- Continue advocacy efforts with government and stakeholders to expand CP interventions and raise awareness.
- After Action Review (AAR) preparedness and response to the flood emergency in Chittagong and Cox’s on Child Protection including GBViE and GIHA.
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