Investment Menu for Upazilas from The National Adaptation Plan (NAP)

The National Adaptation Plan of Bangladesh has addressed climate vulnerabilities and combatting strategies. It has six goals, nine principles, 8 distinct sectors of intervention, 23 broad strategies, 28 outcomes, 113 interventions to address 13 major hazards in 11 stressor areas. For Logic implementation, the geographical coverage, sector, goals and strategies of NAP need to be well understood to develop an Investment Menu for upazilas. A five-step process has been followed in developing a locally contextualized investment menu. Firstly, LoGIC areas were identified from NAP’s geographical areas. Secondly, major sectors of those areas were identified from NAP. Thirdly, sector-specific interventions were identified from 113 NAP interventions. Fourthly, identified interventions were specified with practical investment examples. Fifthly, environmental benefits were identified. Thus, all LoGIC districts covering four climate stressors have investment menu for local government bodies like upazilas and union parishads that can use this menu in planning and financing adaptive interventions.