প্রেস রিলিজ

UNOPS Launches a Three-Day Training Program to Strengthen PSA Oxygen Plant Operations for Emergency Preparedness

০৯ অক্টোবর ২০২৪

Three-day training equips newly recruited operators with essential skills to manage and maintain PSA oxygen plants, enhancing Bangladesh’s healthcare response to future emergencies.

Dhaka, Bangladesh: The ‘Global Fund Emergency Response for Bangladesh’, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh and UNOPS, has launched a three-day training program for the newly recruited staff operating the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) oxygen plants. The event, starting today, is a critical step in preparing Bangladesh's healthcare facilities to tackle future health crises by strengthening the oxygen therapy capacity within the country.

This project, led by the Communicable Disease Control (CDC) of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) and the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP), is enhancing Bangladesh’s healthcare system by constructing 29 Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) oxygen plants.

Managed by UNOPS and funded by The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM), the project aims to strengthen healthcare infrastructure by providing medical-grade oxygen and improving emergency resilience. Under the project, 29 nationwide hospitals are receiving newly constructed PSA oxygen plants, which provide medical-grade oxygen on-site, essential equipment, and strengthened power solutions. 

The training, scheduled from October 8 - 10, includes theoretical and practical components covering plant construction, equipment operation, safety protocols, and hands-on on-site experience. The participants will be equipped with critical skills to operationalize and maintain the PSA plants, ensuring the project's long-term sustainability.

Dr. Sheikh Daud Adnan, Line Director of the CDC and Director of Disease Control at DGHS, stated, "This initiative is a transformative step in enhancing our healthcare system's capacity to respond to critical emergencies. By equipping 29 hospitals with the capacity to generate oxygen on-site, we safeguard our future and strengthen our national healthcare infrastructure."

Dr. Adnan recognised the invaluable contributions of UNOPS, the Global Fund, and partners in implementing this project. He further highlighted “To the trainees, you are leading this mission. The skills you gain will enable you to operate these plants effectively, ensuring they are always ready to save lives. Your dedication is vital to the long-term success of this initiative, and I trust in your ability to uphold this responsibility."

Mr. Infiyaz Hyder, Project Manager at UNOPS Bangladesh, stated, "Our mission is not only to construct PSA plants but also to ensure their long-term sustainability through comprehensive capacity-building training for dedicated staff and site operators. Together with the Government of Bangladesh, we are enhancing the ability of hospitals to respond rapidly and effectively to medical emergencies, saving lives in the process."



Press contact details: Musfika Sultana, musfikaS@unops.org


ফটো: © UNOPS/2024


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