WFP Bangladesh Country Brief, May 2024
০৪ জুলাই ২০২৪

In Numbers
865.2 mt food distributed
US$ 12.7 million distributed in cash-based transfers
US$ 50 million net funding requirements under the country strategic plan (June – November 2024)
1.2 million people assisted
Operational Updates
Emergency Cyclone Response
- Hours before the Cyclone Remal made landfall on 26 May, WFP activated its anticipatory cash assistance, distributing BDT 5,000/US$43 per household to
- 30,000 families (150,000 people) in five southern districts that were most at risk. This is coupled with early warning messages, reaching 675,000 people and evacuation assistance.
- Following the cyclone’s passing, WFP immediately started distributing fortified biscuits, 5 kg per household, to 42,000 families (210,000 people). Awareness messages on food and nutrition were also disseminated through SMS, leaflets, and face-to-face communication.
- On 5 June, the UN launched its Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) appealing for US$53 million to meet the needs of 784,000 people affected by Cyclone Remal. Under the plan, WFP plans to support 591,000 people through case-based transfers and cash-for-work to restore livelihoods and repair damaged agricultural infrastructure. US$16.6 million is required, of which, US$11.5 million is unfunded.
Rice fortification
- With WFP's assistance, the government distributed fortified rice to 1.7 million beneficiaries of the vulnerable women benefit programme across 165 sub-districts. Additionally, WFP facilitated direct distribution to 227,000 beneficiaries.
- As part of South-South Triangular Cooperation, a delegation from Nepal, comprising government officials and WFP staff, visited the country to gain insights on Bangladesh’s rice fortification efforts.
Social Protection
- With WFP’s technical support, the second phase of the Investment Component of the Vulnerable Group Development programme was completed through the Application Programming Interface of the Government 2 Person (G2P) system. Training allowances of BDT 1,600 per person were transferred to the bank accounts of 93,150 women beneficiaries through the G2P system.
Rohingya refugee response
- As of 1 June, WFP has increased food rations for all Rohingya in Cox’s Bazar camps from US$10 to US$11 per person per month, and is on track to restore the full amount, now $12.50, by August.
- Together with these increases, WFP has included fortified rice in its food assistance to enhance the nutritional intake of the Rohingya population. The coverage has reached 100 percent in the Cox’s Bazar camps and from June, WFP has introduced this initiative on the Bhasan Char island, where 35,000 Rohingya reside.
- In just one week, Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar camps endured two devastating fires. The first fire broke out on 24 May, two days before Cyclone Remal's landfall, affecting around 1,000 Rohingya and causing significant damage to shelters and other facilities. On 1 June, another fire struck the same section of the camps, affecting an additional 1,000 people. The combined impact of these incidents, along with the cyclone, resulted in extensive damage and hardship for the affected communities.
- WFP provided hot meal packs to the families affected by both fires and the cyclone, coupled with fortified biscuits as an immediate response to meet families’ food needs.
- WFP reached 922,000 Rohingya refugees with general food assistance and 260,000 most vulnerable also received an additional US$3 for fresh foods.
- Malnutrition prevention and treatment services were provided at 179 sites in Cox’s Bazar camps and in host Bangladeshi communities, as well as on Bhasan Char island, reaching 209,000 pregnant and breastfeeding women, girls and children aged 6-59 months.
- On Bhasan Char, all Rohingya now receive their food assistance through e-vouchers.
- A rice donation of 15,000 mt from the Republic of Korea, valued at US$13.9 million, has arrived in Bangladesh. This significant contribution makes the ROK one of the top five donors to Rohingya refugee operations in 2024. The rice will be distributed to Rohingya refugees following an official handover ceremony and other logistic arrangements.
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