Multi-Hazard Risk Analysis of Climate-Related Disasters in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to recurring hazards and this situation is going to exacerbate due to the impacts of climate change. There is a dearth of data-driven decision-making in the country and typically poverty data is used to guide decisions. This study was an attempt to address that gap by providing data-centric decision-making frameworks using widely accepted global methodologies such as the INFORM index. This study is primarily based on seven years of disaster-related data extending from 2014 to 2020, the major disasters considered were monsoon flood, flash flood, cyclone and storm surge, landslide, and riverbank erosion; however, other hazards were also reviewed such as nor’wester, cold wave, hailstorm, etc.
The findings and frameworks of this study can be used and applied in data-driven decision-making by relevant agencies such as MoDMR, UN agencies, Start Fund Bangladesh, etc. The multi-hazard risk analysis method could be used to identify areas that are likely to be impacted whereas the severity framework could be used to identify the population in need plus these frameworks can be customized for different administrative areas such as the Upazila level. Moreover, this study suggests Household Economy Analysis (HEA), a country-wide sub-national INFORM risk index and climate change integrated hazard modeling to improve future planning and an in-depth evidence-based understanding of hazards, their impacts, and likely needs of the at-risk population of Bangladesh.